- Jean Samuel Pauly - the inventor in 1812 of the first breechloading system to use an internally ignited cartridge - J. E. Fender
- L.C. Smith - 1918 Eagle, by Townsend Breeden
- British Guns and Sporting rifles pt 38, includes W & C Scott, W.W. Greener- Sherman Bell
- Remington Rolling Block number 1 -Terry Deem
- William & Powell 16 bore - Dr. John Newton
- Parker Single A-1 special - Steve Cambria
- Hammers & fences pt2 - by Ross Seyfried. Various rifles including Purdey, Lancaster, Hoerning pinfire, Daly/Lindner, Johann Springer, Harkom, W.W. Greener, Sherping, W&C Scott, Holland, and Horsely
- The Mystery of Harrington & Richardson number 1941 - Ron Scott
Spring 2020 (Print) Vol.31