- 'The Mystique of the Miramichi' by Laurie Morrow
- 'F.O. Matska - Introduction to a Russian Master' (Feodor Osipovich Matska, K.P. Maslovby Bill Wise, Gennadi Charcot, & Berle Cherney
- 'Finding Out For Myself - Part 9, Fluid Steel, stronger than damascus?' by Sherman Bell & Tom Armbrust
- 'Postscript: The Doubles were fine', by Sherman Bell
- 'Obituary: Dr. Oscar Gaddy (1932 - 2005)' by Tod Dawson, Curt Mettam & Jörg Schilling
- 'A Family Fox: Grandfather's 1924 Fox Sterlingworth' by Thomas J. Waters
- 'A Scottish Enigma: Alexander Henry's 20/.577 Express' by Frank Findlow
- 'A Parker AHE: The Rare And The Beautiful' by Robert J. Faddis
- & Royce Faddis
- 'Imagine Another Place - A Double Gunner's Spring Break' by Robert Mathews & Terry Allen (Bertuzzi, Winchester 21, L.C. Smith Monogram, Parker DHE, A grade Ansley H. fox)
- 'Ghost or Gunmaker: The Mystery of H.A. Lindner of Suhl- Part 1' by Hans Pfingsten
- 'Vetting a British Double' by Larry Brown & Hugh Lomas
- 'Never Say Never' by Ross Seyfried (1914 Holland & Holland O/U)
- 'Los Laureles Lodge - Argentina' by Stuart M. Williams
- 'A "Best" From The Other Side Of Town' by William W. Headrick (1880s John Blanch & Son)
- 'A. J. Aubrey & The Meriden Fire Arms Co' by James T. Tyson
Summer 2005 (Digital) Vol.16
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