- ‘The ideal shotgun battery’ by Nick Hahn (Purdey, Lang, Garbi)
- ‘Rub o’ the green’ by Don Whittaker (pigeon shooting)
- ‘Double back in Africa - Pt 2 - The Mamili in October’ by Timothy Carney (Holland & Holland .500/.450)
- ‘Twelve bore with a twist’ by Sherman Bell (W.W. Greener Facile Princeps 1892 shotgun to rifle conversion)
- ‘Addendum to ‘Finding out for myself’ pts 3 and 4’ by Sherman Bell (Ammunition loading with Teflon sleeves)
- ‘Book Review’ by James Fender (The Best of Holland & Holland, by Michael McIntosh and Jan Roosenburg)
- ‘Parker no. 30203’ by Tom Schiffer (Annie Oakley)
- ‘Book Review’ by James Fender (Shotgun Technicana by Michael McIntosh & David Trevallion)
- ‘Merkel 240E Cape gun’ by Bernard H. DiGiacobbe, M.D.
- ‘Happy Birthday, Mr. Beretta!’ by Michael G. Sabbeth
- ‘The Syracuse Arms Co. - pt 1’ by Tom Archer
- ‘The Original Parker Bros. damascus finishing process’ by Oscar L. Gaddy
- ‘A jungle gun for the 21st century’ by Steve Bodio (Darne)
- ‘Wanted for wildfowl shooting’ by William W. Headrick (A.H. Fox DE grade 20 gauge)
- ‘Hunting in the heartland’ by Stuart M. Williams (Ithaca Classic Double 6E, and Rigby 20 bores, Westley Richards, Parker)
- ‘Better late than never’ by Bill Ferguson (Alex Henry rifles in .450, and .500 , 1880s)
- ‘Henri Pieper’s shotguns’ by Bill Wise
- ‘The Millennium Model 21 - and the new C.S.M.C. / Galazan’ by Edward E. Ulrich (Winchester)
Spring 2003 (Print) Vol.14