- ‘Memoirs from the gun room’ by Daniel Philip Côté
- ‘Gurney’s Purdey’ by John Campbell II (1877 bar-in-wood 20-bore hammer gun)
- ‘USA High School clay Target League’ by Jim Sable
- ‘The Twenty-Gauge A.H. Fox CE grade by the numbers’ by Craig Larter
- ’Shotguns - A Mixed bag 2 by Sherman Bell (Husqvarna 16 gauge, Carl Stiegele 20-gauge, Konrad Schreiber 16-gauge, Imman Meffert 16 gauge, Wilhelm Melchior 12 gauge,
- ‘Remington Model 1894: EEO Grade Pt 7’ by Terry Deem
- ‘Westley Richards in South Dakota’ by Ross Seyfried (Percussion 11-bore, pinfire and centrefire, “Highest Quality” single bite A&D and “Modele DeLuxe” - single trigger ejector’).
- “A Grand Passage” with a magnificent Parker 16 AAHE’ by Art Wheaton
- ‘A Royal Moose’ by Scott Teerlinck (Holland Royal rifle)
- ‘L.C. Smith: a tale of two A-2s’ by Townsend Breeden
- ‘Beretta’s field doubles - Pt 3 - The New Series by John R. Tassini
- ‘An Ithaca from Kansas’ by William M. Rike (Ithaca Grade 4E NID trap gun)
- ‘Reloading the odd-ball metrics and others - Pt 17’ by J.C. Munnell (J.J. Reeb 10.75 x 52R)
- ’20 thousand shots’ book by David J. Baker. Reviewed by Donald Dallas
- ‘Down-home ducks’ by Dick Donnelly
Autumn 2018 (Print) Vol.29