- ‘The importance of shotgun patterning’ by Dr. Vernon G. Thomas
- ‘Mbogo - the story of a buffalo’ by J.D. Kelsall
- ‘In the land of Mearns’ by Margaret & Worth Mathewson (quail)
- ‘The five pound Purdey’ by David J. Baker
- ‘A tale of two doubles, the final chapter’ by Cal Pappas (Mortimer & Son .500 Express, W&C Scott and Son 12 gauge)
- ‘Tower shooting, driven pheasant in Virginia?’ by John M. Taylor
- ‘Impressions of driven grouse’ by Christopher McGann
- ‘Target guns, then and now’ by William W. Headrick (A.H. Fox Grade A special trap, Fox Sterlingworth skeet and upland game gun, L.C. Smith trap grade, Sandro Lucchini sporting, Armi Marocchi Contrast and Conquista, Ithaca No.4 ejector, Parker DHE grade Trap, Krieghoff Model 32 Crown Grade, Krieghoff M-32 Custom Grade, Renato Gamba Daytona)
- ‘An unusual Greener, - Loading for and hunting with a 12-gauge double rifle’ by Ross Seyfried
- ‘Ferlach Bock-Drilling’ by Bernard H. Digiacobbe, M.D.
- ‘An English alliance’ by Thomas C. Kidd (A.H. Fox with Whitworth fluid steel barrels)
- ‘Rock Springs Ranch’ by Stuart Williams
- ‘Le bon vieux Darne’ by Theodore J. Schefelbein
- ‘The sport of Spanish kings’ by Stan Warren (Arrieta)
- ‘Excellentia!’ by Sherman Bell (W&C Scott)
- ‘Hartmann & Weiss - makers of Best Guns only’ by Fredrik Franzén
- ‘Entrance to a grouse covert’ by Tim Leary (A.H. Fox XE, AyA, Purdey)
- ‘The partnership of Nichols & Lefever, 1876-1879’ by Keith Kearcher
- ‘Remington Model 1889, Grade 5’ by Charles Semmer
Summer 1996 (Digital) Vol.7
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